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  List of Scam PTCs
Suspected Scam Sites

The list below are PTCs which are suspected or leading to be scam in the future. There were signs/possibilities and there are many questions as to the legitimacy of the sites. Also, for the non-payments of members which were ignored by the admin of a suspected PTC. But I'm not compelling you not to join but this is only a warning and stay away from this sites.

Also check here if you PTC affiliates were included. This is only a warning from Talkptc forum. Thanks aurora for the info. - Beware of this new PTC, the owner of this is Ladislav Racak, the owner of Seabux. For more info click here. - $1 per ad clicked; 100% on referrals earnings and $5,000 minimum payout. This is one of the example of scam site. Don't waste time and your hard-earned money here. More info here. - beware the site in under free domain hosting. Premium cost is $10.00 per year. This will surely scam you. More info here. - Beware of this PTC, admin did not responded in the contact and forum. If you write to forum about what you feel and what's on your mind, you will be banned. More info here.

Burnbux - beware of this site. The admin of this site hacked many accounts in clixmx, so if you used the same username in these sites, change your passwords asap. More info here.

Clickin' me - standard members can 2 times a day and premium members 3 times a day; it looks suspiscious. It looks unsustainable; they will pay you 1st then afterwards closes and run your money. Don't invest on it. More info here - Unsustainable PTC with $1.00 per click and in a free host server.

Lifebux - This PTC has no minimum payout but per TOS it will pay standard members within 300 business days and 70 business days for premium members. Obviously, they don't want to pay. Check its TOS here.

Loyalbux - Stay away from this site which was run by a 16 year-old boy scammer from Holland. Thanks Sabbie for info. Check for more info here.

Depacco, Bankomails and Bux4net - Beware of these sites they have the same owner and have the same ip address. More info here.

Smurfbux - Now with only one ad a day, Same owner of beanybux. More info here.

GRbux - Beware on this site it is in a freehost server. Unsustainable: $.03 per ref click and $5 per 1000 click ads.
Click for more info here.

Buxway - Owned by 15 year old boy from Tunisia and has a cloned bux script. Banned from one of the knowned forum. Check it here.

1DollarPTC - $1 to $5 per click, $25 sign up bonus, 100% downline earnings and $5000 payout. Beware! this PTC, I dought will not pay you.

Buxcop - It disappeared like a bubble after a brief existence. Hope it will be back but i dought.

Click2bepaid - Per TOS payments to be made when your account reached to $10 and will be issued within 90 business days. Maybe it will not pay the members.

Buxear - There are many complaints of non-payments to many members and the admin is not responding in their forum. Stay away from this site and don't invest any absent and watch if admin will pay before making any decision. Click for more info here.

PayTC - There are members complaining to this PTC like loosing refs, change of payout amount, no forum and typically same script and number of ads as Onebux who scams many members. More info here. - The site is not accessible and seems closing down and run all members' money. - Still functioning, online and many ads but there are hundred thousands members still not paid to date. Previous cashout request of members were reversed to their account. It's a waste of time and money if you join. - It was suspected of not paying members like 5bux and bestpaidbux which ending in .cn. Beware of ptc sites ending in .cn.

Triplebux - This site is still online but there are many site problems and still unpaid members. Don't waste your money and time here.

5ivebux - Unsustainable; $.03 per click, and $.02 per ref click. Uncompetitive ad cost of $25.00 per 1000 clicks. I think this will not last long.

Spiderbux - Admin of this site is also the owner of, Hot-bux, Paid2clickads and UniqueBux which have disappeared. Please click  here. - owner of this site is a 16 year-old boy; beware. Please click here.

Buxme - There are complaints of non-payments from its members. Please click here.

Retrobux - Beware! It's back after closing down without payment to its members.

It is in a free hosting; how can the owner pays its member when even hosting he can't afford? Beware of this site.

NewBuxEra -
Unsustainable: Standard members' click is $.01; referral click is $.015. Premium member is $.05 per click, referral click is $.02. How can it will pay the members. I think this will not last. Don't invest in this site. Unsustainable $.02 to $.90 per click. Floating pay rate $.12 and payout is $40. The admin pays only the members he know. They can't attract advertisers due to expensiveness of ad: 1000 members visits for $39.95.

Buxear: It has the same IP address: as, masterbux, and which are all scam sites.

Velocity Clicks: All members receieved email from the "new admin" but they said that all members' balances will not be considered by the new admin and it will reset to zero. Many suspected that this "new admin" is the same admin who scammed and didn't many members.

Onebux:  Stay away from this site, many members are complaining of non-payment from the admin. Admin did not answer to various tickets sent by members and no forum found.

Masterbux: Almost all payment lately to members were reversed by Alertpay. Only 5 to 6 ads and forum is inaccessible and no contacts from the admin.

Angelbux: Many members are waiting for their payment for a long time. No replies from the admin about this.

Retrobux: The site was hacked and it's back now. All accounts reset to zero balance.

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